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岗位职责:1.Cooperates with Engineering, Quality, Procurement and other functional teams to participate in installation, debugging and validation of relative production equipment, achieve pilot production tasks and mass production goals. 与工艺、质量、采购及其他职能部门团队合作,参与相关生产设备安装调试及验证,完成试生产任务,实现量产目标;2.Be responsible for establishing new production team, make training plan, and lead the team to complete training and skill level certification, including shift leader, technician, trainer and operator, etc. 负责组建新产线生产团队,制定培训计划,并带领团队完成培训和技能水平认证,包括领班、技术员、培训员以及操作员等;3.Leads the development and implementation of process work instruction, implement and maintain a procedure and system aligned with company requirements. 主导生产工艺操作指引的制定和落实,执行并维护符合公司要求的流程和体系;4.Be responsible for establishing, communicating and implementing the management regulation, key performance indicators and solutions of the team in charge. Lead production team to achieve the manufacturing cost, quality performance, OTD and other relevant KPI. 负责制定、沟通、执行所管辖团队的管理规定、考核指标和方案,带领团队完成生产制造成本、质量水平、准时交货率等KPI指标;5.Be responsible for the deployment of production personnel and resources according to the order requirements, and ensures the production procedure, activities and technologies to comply with regulations and standards. 根据订单需求,负责生产人员及生产资源的调配,并确保生产流程、活动和技术符合国家法规和标准;6.Leads the team to continuously improve 6S level, avoid waste and improve production efficiency with CIP tools (such as lean, 6 Sigma, TPM, etc.) 以CIP工具(如精益、6 Sigma、TPM等),带领团队持续改进现场6S水平、避免浪费及提升生产效率;7.Leads the team to implement the company's safety production regulations and requirements, achieve KPI, establish production team's safety awareness. 带领团队贯彻落实公司安全生产法规要求,达成生产指标,培养团队安全生产意识;8.Be responsible for the annual performance evaluation of team members, develop personal annual KPI, personal annual training plan, etc., and timely communicate the work performance to ensure the uniformity of team goals. 负责团队成员的年度绩效评估,制定个人年度KPI指标,个人年度培训计划等,并及时沟通工作成果,确保团队目标一致;9.Be responsible for the organizing of team building activities, delivering of company’s quality policy, maintaining company’s culture of management to enhance team cohesion. 负责组织生产团队的团队建设活动,传达公司质量方针,维护公司管理文化,增强团队凝聚力;10.Be responsible for the regular statistics and budget of production personnel quantity, working hours, production materials and energy, and lead the team to achieve EHS related KPI. 负责生产人员数量、工时、生产物料及能源的定期统计和预算,带领团队达成公司EHS相关指标;11.Other tasks assigned by direct leader. 其他由直接上司安排的工作。 任职资格:1.Bachelor degree or above, Mechanical, chemical, electrical or industrial engineering major. 机械、化工、电子或工业工程本科或以上学历;2.At least 3 years clean room production management experience in precision manufacturing industry, preferably in multinational company. 3年以上精密制造行业洁净间生产管理经验,具有跨国公司相关工作经验为佳;3.Extensive experience of production management, 6S, personal training and continuous improvement. 丰富的生产管理、6S、人员培训及持续改善等经验;4.Be familiar with production management system, such as MES, SAP, etc. Proficient in MS Office 熟悉生产管理系统,如MES, SAP等,能熟练使用MS Office办公软件;5.Ability to play key role in teamwork with proven communication skills in dealing with all levels of staff. Team management/planning/communication/coordinating ability. 能够在团队合作中发挥关键作用,具备能与各层级员工交流的良好的沟通技巧; 具有团队管理、计划、沟通与协调管理能力;6.Ability to communicate in English and Mandarin, in both written and verbal form. Experience working in a multinational company and oversea working experience is a plus. 普通话及英语听说读写流利,具备跨国公司及海外工作经验为优。


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